Gain confidence with the exam in just a few minutes per day.
You're busy and it's not always easy to find time to study. We get it. That's why we created the Science Flashcard mobile app, so you can take your TEAS study prep on the go.
- ComprehensiveOver 1400 Science Flashcards covering all TEAS 7 science topics including Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Scientific Reasoning.
- Save FavoritesStar challenging cards and focus on them in your study sessions. Tailor your learning to your strengths and weaknesses.
- Shuffle for ChallengeShuffle feature lets you mix up your study patterns to stay sharp. A new challenge with every shuffle!
- Study OfflineOffline capabilities means you can sneak in a little studying wherever you are. Repetition is key!

As a career educator with a PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology, I've helped pre-nursing students get accepted into RN, LPN, and allied health programs for over 15 years. I'm passionate about helping my students achieve their dreams and I don't hesitate to put in the time to provide each student the personalized attention they deserve.
I moved from in-person classroom to online learning in 2020 and launched the Ultimate TEAS Prep course in 2022 to reach more students. I've been overwhelmed by students' responses to the course and the impact it has had on their lives.
In addition to the prep course, I run the largest TEAS focused TikTok account with over 135,000 followers, where I provide free practice questions, cheat sheets, and learning resources. You can catch me live twice a week on TikTok helping students with their test prep.
Not sure where to start?
Get a ton of free TEAS 7 resources and bonuses by joining the FutureRN community.
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